The Common App Guide: How it Works, How to Use it, and Tips for Success

Teen man gleefully looking at his phone while raising a fist in triumph

Teen man gleefully looking at his phone while raising a fist in triumph

Millions of high school seniors dive into the college application process every year. A critical tool in this endeavor is the Common Application, or the Common App for short. However, the complexity of this online application platform can be daunting for students and parents. This guide takes you through the Common App and explains how to make the most of it.

What Is the Common App?

The Common Application, or Common App, is a standardized online application used by more than 1,000 colleges, primarily in the U.S. but also abroad. Students input their biographical info, grades, test scores, activities, recommendation letters, essays, and more — and apply to multiple schools at once.

The Common App saves students from having to fill out each college application separately and allows them to track the status of their applications through a single, centralized platform. For teachers and high school counselors, it also streamlines the process of uploading transcripts and letters of recommendation.

In addition to making the application process more efficient for students and their recommenders, the comprehensive Common App allows students to highlight who they are and what interests and motivates them beyond their academic performance.

One of the key benefits of the Common App is that it allows for a holistic application review that considers factors beyond a student’s GPA and test scores.

Admissions committees that embrace a holistic review process will read a student’s application from front to back. They’ll look at the student’s courses and the level of rigor involved, how their GPA has developed over time, and what their recommenders have to say about them.

They’ll consider the student’s extracurricular involvement, work, and family obligations — and what these reveal about their intellectual curiosity, maturity, and work ethic. They’ll look at the unique value the student will add to the incoming class and their preparedness to pursue their stated plans.

“College admissions has changed a lot,” says consultant Ellen Whalen, who coaches students for Road2College. “In the college application pool, students can look very much alike, even if they stand out in their school. Rather than well-rounded students, colleges want well-rounded classes. To achieve that, they look for ‘pointy students’ — basically students that are experts who have gone deep in one or two areas of interest.”

That’s where the Common App can come in handy. Through the various components of the Common App, students can spin a narrative that reveals the person behind the application.

Benefits of the Common App

Beyond the time-saving component, there are several benefits to using the Common App:

How the Common App Compares to Other Systems

The Common App is the most widely used online application platform, embraced by Ivy League schools, larger public universities, and smaller liberal arts colleges alike. However, some schools use a separate centralized application system for admissions.

Here are examples:

These alternative application systems follow a similar format to the Common App, allowing students to input transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, etc., required by most schools. However, they also have some distinct differences.

For example, while the UC application allows students to list as many as 20 extracurricular activities, the Common App only allows 10. ApplyTexas allows students to apply for scholarships to certain Texas-based schools directly within the app. Still, it’s generally considered less intuitive and easy to use than the Common App.

Do I Have to Use the Common App?

No. While the Common App is widely used, it’s not mandatory for college applications. Schools like MIT and Georgetown require direct website applications. Others, like UC Berkeley and UCLA, use alternative platforms like the University of California (UC) Application.

Students in Texas can use the statewide college application platform known as ApplyTexas, while those interested in attending certain historically Black colleges and institutions can apply to more than 65 member schools through Common Black College Application.

Many colleges offer more than one option for applying. If they do, they generally don’t have a preference for which platform students use. However, the Common App may be the most convenient solution for students applying to multiple colleges.

Common App Deadlines

The Common App opens on August 1, but individual schools determine the application deadlines. Generally speaking, early decision deadlines fall between November 1 and December 1, while the regular application deadline is around January 1. However, the exact dates may vary among schools.

Be sure to check each school’s application deadline and plan accordingly. You can find application deadlines posted on the school’s website or directly within the Common App.

How Soon Should You Start Working on the Common App?

While the Common App opens on August 1, you shouldn’t necessarily wait until then to start working on your application. You can tackle certain facets of the Common App well in advance, such as asking for letters of recommendation at the end of junior year.

To get a jump start on applications, students can also use the summer between their junior and senior year to visit schools, compile their list of preferred colleges, and start thinking about their essays.

>> NEED HELP? Road2College offers 1-1 Common App review and essay coaching

How Long Does it Take to Complete the Common App?

6-8 weeks. Applying to colleges through the Common App is an intensive process, and students should allow themselves at least 6-8 weeks to complete their application. Besides filling out the application, students will need to write essays, gather transcripts and test scores, and request letters of rccommendation.

Essays, in particular, can take several weeks to write since students often go through multiple drafts before they land on a story they feel is worth telling. Students may also want to solicit feedback on their essays to ensure that they are coming across in a way that highlights their unique strengths and character.

Students should also give teachers as much lead time as possible on letters of recommendation, especially since most teachers are completing them for multiple students. Missing out on a solid recommendation because you didn’t ask early enough is a common Common App mistake you want to avoid.

What Does the Common App Cover?

The Common App is comprehensive, covering biographical information about the student and their family, the student’s academic record (including coursework, grades, GPA, and honors), performance on standardized tests, extracurriculars, essays, recommendation letters, and more.

This information is spread across seven distinct sections of the application.

Sections of the Common App

The seven Common App sections are profile, family, education, testing, activities, writing, and grades.

Here is a description of each section:

In addition to the core sections, the Common App asks for transcripts and letters of recommendation. The student’s guidance counselor and selected recommenders will upload them directly.

Depending on the colleges you apply to, you may get prompts to upload supplemental materials, such as a portfolio, resume, or writing sample. Some schools will also request additional essays and writing supplements. You can post these supplemental requirements under each school in the My Colleges portion of the Common App.

How to Use the Common App

1. Create an account

Students can create a Common App account by visiting Once there, they’ll select their student type — either First-Year Student or Transfer Student, depending on whether they’ve previously attended college.

The next screen will prompt students to choose their login credentials, including a preferred email address and password. Remember that schools may use this email address to contact you about the application, so be sure that it’s one you check regularly and won’t mind admissions counselors seeing.

After the initial login, the student must enter basic registration information, including their name, address, phone number, and date of birth. To avoid any confusion on their applications, students should be sure that the name they enter matches what appears on their high school transcripts.

Students must choose their communication preferences and accept the Common App’s privacy policy to complete their account setup.

2. Add schools

Within the Common App, students can add desired schools via the College Search tab. If students already know the schools they want to apply to, they can add them directly by name. Otherwise, they can use the search function to filter by location, application deadline, writing and standardized testing requirements, and more.

Once a student adds a college to their list, it will appear in their main dashboard and the My Colleges tab. Students can add as many as 20 schools to their college list and swap them out at any time until they’ve submitted their application.

Each college has its own application requirements, which may include letters of recommendation, writing supplements, and additional essay questions. You can find these specific requirements under the “College Information” tab for each school.

3. Fill out the application

To complete their application, students will need to have several pieces of information at their disposal. These include:

In addition to all the factual information required for their application, students will need to complete a 650-word essay and submit any additional materials — such as extra letters of recommendation, a portfolio, or supplemental essays — required by individual colleges.

While filling out their application, students will get prompts to answer a question about waiving their Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) right to see their letters of recommendation for college. This opt-out essentially gives recommenders confidentiality when writing letters of recommendation, ensuring they give an honest impression of the student.

4. Submit the application

Once the application is complete, submitting it is a three-step process. Students must verify that they’ve reviewed it, pay their application fees (if they don’t qualify for a fee waiver), and hit submit.

After that, students cannot go back and revise the application. They will receive notifications from each school that has received their application and accepted it for review. They will also receive notifications from schools about any errors or questions to address.

Video: Conquering the Common App

Tips for Filling Out the Common App

Tips for Writing a Strong Common App Essay

The essay can be one of the more intimidating portions of the Common App. Many students struggle with what to write about and how to make their essay stand out from the crowd.

Here’s a list of Common App essay-writing tips to help guide you:

Common App Prompts

The Common App provides students with seven essay prompts. These may change from year to year, but generally, they’re designed to enable students to express how they think and engage with the world around them.

Students may write about an aspect of their identity or background that is uniquely meaningful to them or a topic or concept they find engaging. Students may also write about a time when they faced a difficult challenge or obstacle that resulted in personal growth or a time that they solved an interesting problem, challenged an idea, or achieved something they’re proud of.

Students can find a list of current Common App essay prompts, as well as supplemental writing requirements by college, on the Common App website.

Common App Mistakes to Avoid

The Common App is one of the more convenient ways to apply to college, but it isn’t entirely fail-proof. Here are a few Common App mistakes to avoid.

What Colleges Accept the Common App?

More than 1,000 colleges accept the Common Application. They include many top public and private universities like Harvard, Stanford, Yale, the University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois. However, notable exceptions exist among the more than 4,000 four-year colleges in the U.S.

Some of the top private universities in the U.S., including MIT, Amherst, and Georgetown, require students to apply directly through their websites. The University of California system, which includes Berkeley and UCLA, has its own online application system, as does the 23-campus California State University system.

Students can find a full list of colleges that accept the Common App at

Resources to Help Students With the Common App

Several resources are available to help students navigate various aspects of the Common App, from essay writing to dealing with technical glitches.

How Road2College Helps With College Applications

Road2College helps families plan, apply, and pay for college. We can walk you through the process, such as selecting schools, submitting a strong application, and applying for merit scholarships and other financial aid.

You can try our R2C Insights comparison tool for free. It enables you to build college lists based on your personal search criteria. We also offer a premium version with additional features that help you find the right college at the right price. You can choose a Road2College membership that best fits your needs, and it can include premium R2C Insights and other personal resources.

Families can opt for additional 1:1 services like admissions strategy and essay coaching sessions.

Common App FAQs

What is the Common App used for?

The Common App allows students to apply to multiple colleges at once and track the status of their applications once submitted. The Common App also makes it easier for teachers, mentors, and others to upload transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other documentation on their student’s behalf.

Is Common App a good way to apply?

Yes. Many students find the Common App a convenient way to apply to college. Rather than submitting a separate application for each school, students can enter their application information into a centralized platform, including any college-specific supplements, and send it to multiple schools at once. The Common App also makes it easy to apply for fee waivers, invite teachers and mentors to upload letters of recommendation, and track the status of submitted applications.

Does Harvard use the Common App?

Yes, Harvard uses the Common App for first-year and transfer student applications. In addition to the standard application requirements, Harvard asks students to submit a supplement containing a series of questions about the student’s academic, extracurricular, and personal interests. Standardized test scores for Harvard are optional.

How much is each Common App fee?

There is no fee to use the Common App, but individual schools have their own application fees, which students will pay when they apply. Application fees typically range from $30 to $70 but can be more for international applicants. That said, students can apply for a fee waiver if they need one.

Can I get a Common App fee waiver?

Students can apply for a fee waiver in the Profile section of the Common Application. To qualify, students need to indicate eligibility based on income conditions or the student’s status as an orphan or ward of the state. Once a fee waiver is approved, it will be applied automatically to each college the student applies to.

How does the Common App work for transfer students?

The Common Application works much the same for transfer students as for first-year applicants. However, besides the Profile, students must provide information about their college coursework, including grades and transcripts for each college they’ve attended. They may also need to respond to essay prompts explaining their reasons for transferring.

Use R2C Insights to help find merit aid and schools that fit the criteria most important to your student. You’ll not only save precious time, but your student will avoid the heartache of applying to schools they aren’t likely to get into or can’t afford to attend.

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